Sunday, June 26, 2022

Restart Day 1

i was thinking of redoing the program for few month now, i been running on and off for the past 2 years, done a 10 program and realy like running, gust neglected the rest, and gone on and off the diet , gained 2kg since 2 years ago, so here i am again. considered to quite the running and do the jump rope, but this morning woke up and wanted to run, and see if i can combine running and PCP workouts , lets see how it will work,. so ran 6k easy today, almost run over by a fuckedup taxi driver, got back home and done the first day sets, squats were a surprise , i was thinkinh it would be easy as i am running for few years, but no, last set i felt it , rest was ok, added swiming excersise 3x10 shower then to work. brought food with me, tortia and veg egg and for lunch with chicken, felt great, not to hungry. got back home and done a quacker porage. over all day one nailed it , night

Sunday, September 6, 2020

September 5 reseat

well after a PCP rerestart a few month back, i dropped from 75 to 68.5 and dot into a good shpe with some injury . i rested a bit and decided to restart KFP . i had calf issue and knee , i could feel,them both during the first work out, but nothing that limited my excersises . done the workout and having coffee, food wise i will keep PCP mid session daiets. feeling very goood with it

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6th

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the few weeks of silense, as you can imagine things are moving, and I am not just talking about the earth.

Following the earthquake and the reactor issue, my family and I decided to leave Japan and go to Thailand untill things get fixed. when we arrived Monday we learned that the #2 and #4 reactors exploded, in addition to that, when things move they move in a big way, we were happy to learn that my wife is pregnenet. So going back to Japan was dropped and after a few days we head back to Israel.

We got back almost 2 weeks ago, and crashed at my mother in law small apartment, I drive to the office every day and we already registered the kids to school over here.

I could not continue with KFB all through that time and not even these days it is very hard.

Our plans are to move back to Israel, so i will need to get back to Japana nd get all our stuff on a ship back here.

take care you all

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 30 and 31

Yesterday (Sunday) I had time while kids were in Sunday school and done the workout. It was great and I feel the effect of it today. I had time to take the kids to the park, ride the bike and play ball. greate weather also

Today it snowed int he morning, and I had a bad night sleep, I missed the morning workout. Stuck as work and I hope to complete it tonight.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 26 no good progress

I have a pain in my hip joint for the past week, I am not sure where it came from, but it is between the bone and the muscles, kept me from sleeping well these past day and kept me from the workouts all week. today it is almost gone, lets see how the night is going to be.

I am not sure how well this KFB is for me, from the overview of 3+weeks i think i missed workouts at least 1/2. diet is relatively OK, but workout is out the window. same for Aikido these past month.

I am trying o stick with the program but i would definitely give be a D- all most an F.

I am not giving up, but no in also.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 21

Body is stressed out from going back to 4 time Aikido this week. Aikido it what keeps me "alive" here in Japan. I done Aikido back at university but when I started working did not have time to continue it.

When I relocated to Japan, I always wanted to get back to Aikido, this is the birth place of the art. finally a very stressful work environment pushed me to go for it. I quickly picked it up and went to practice 4-5 times a week, it was an escape form day to day pressure of work and dealing with a problematic co worker who made my working life a living hell. As I progressed I wanted to get a black belt, which I did. and Just like when you get the goal you ask for there is a decrease in motivation. I am working to get my 2nd degree. Once would need 200 days of prectice before taking the test, I just found I have 155 days logged in, if I want to take the test in May I need to work at it.

In the past Aikido was one of the things that kept me going here in Japan, being able to train at the main school (dojo) with the top of the world teachers was the main reason for me to continue to live in Japan, work came second now. these days I find it even hard to push on even with the love to Aikido.

I think it is also the same with KFP, I got the goal of PCP, and as Patric wrote doing KFB after PCP doe not give you the same discoveries, it is just a routine  day by way work to further yourself into the program. The same struggle I have to force myself to go to the dojo every time. (cold weather done not help as the dojo is open and not heated, the floor is freezing cold....)

doing the stretch and meditation yesterday morning was great. I was able to do the full 14 min of stretch, and in the evening when I went to Aikido I could feel the difference it made when we done the warm up and stretching of the Aikido. 


Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 17 and 18 - better

With better determination I jumped back to KFP, Yesterday I could not do the workout in the morning like I planed. I had a long night,turning in at 01:30 and then the kids crawled into bed and I did not had good sleep, I simply did not have the energy to do the workout, so headed to the office.

I did managed to go to Aikido that evening, again with the lack of energy I missed many aikido lessons this month, I think I 2-3 lessons in 3 weeks where usually i will be up to 9 or 11, yesterday I did not let myself slip and went to the dojo, it was a great lesson, very dynamic and I sweated allot, just the way I like it. got home just in time o put the kids to sleep, than headed down to do the missing workout. it was great as well.

last night was also a late time to bed, but at lease the kids did not visit, we could sleep ok. I decided to rest the morning a bit and done the workout just now and will head to the office around noon. It is great to be the boss....:-)

Hope to regain the momentum